
2022                                 Taking madness seriously - lessons from Putin, the populist ideologue, University of St Gallen, 4 March

                                              Wahnsinn ernst nehmen - wie man populistischen Ideologen wie Putin begegnet (German version).


2021                                     Demokratie am Nil, The European, 30 December.


                                              Germany's Withdrawal from Afghanistan puts its Security Policy back at Square One

                                              Global Policy Journal, 10 August.


                                              Was vom deutschen Afghanistan-Einsatz bleibt, Die Presse, 4 August.


2020                                     Dual agent of transition: How Turkey perpetuates and challenges neo-patrimonial patterns in its

                                              post- Soviet neighbourhood (with Katharina Hoffmann), East European Politics (peer-reviewed).


                                              The Inequality Virus: How It May Reshape International Relations,

                                              GRF Viewpoint, 20 May.


2017                                     Corruption in sub-Saharan Africa's established and simulated democracies: the cases of Ghana,                                                          Nigeria and South Sudan, Crime, Law and Social Change, Vol. 70, No. 2 (peer-reviewed).


2015                                     A Tale of Three Leaders: The Struggle over Justice in Africa

                                              Royal United Services Institute Newsbrief, Vol. 35, No. 5, 29 September.  


                                              Making Borders and Identities in South Sudan,

                                              Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Vol. 33, No. 2 (peer-reviewed),

                                              Special issue: Territorialising identity, authority and conflict in Africa.            


                                              Zentralisierung und Föderalismus in Afrika,

                                              Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Vol. 65, No. 28-30: 'Föderalismus'.


                                              Actors of Accountability in Africa: ICC, African Union and Nation-States,

                                              IAI Working Paper 15/12, Istituto Affari Internazionali Rome, 13 May.


2014                                     Soldiers over Teachers and Doctors? South Sudan's statebuilding dilemmas,

                                              Pax in Nuce, 24 October. 


                                              South Sudan or the Global Community: Who has failed?,

                                              Global Policy Journal, 14 July.


2013                                     Gezi-Park, Macht die Augen auf!, Der Freitag, 20 June. 


2012                                     Defining the Nation: National Identity in South Sudanese Media Discourse,

                                              Africa Spectrum, Vol. 47, No. 1 (peer-reviewed).


2009                                     Öffnen und Vertiefen, Der Freitag, 12 November.


                                              Europa als Weltmacht?, Berliner Republik, No. 3.


2008                                     Europa, sag ‘Ja’ zu Kiew und Ankara!, Das Progressive Forum, 12 September.


                                              Süd-Ossetien – What on earth were they thinking?, Das Progressive Forum, 14 August.


2007                                     Northern Iraq and its Neighbors: The regional dimension of the Kurdish question,

                                              INSIGHT Turkey, Vol. 9, No. 1.