Book Chapters

2023                              Crisis Populism: The Thick Ideological Core of Populist Politics in Turkey (with Dirk Lehmkuhl),

                                           in Lacatus, Corina, Georg Löfflmann and Gustav Meibauer (eds.) Political Communication and

                                           Performative Leadership: Populism in International Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


                                           Punishing or preventing? The responsibility to protect and the wars in South Sudan, in

                                           Reichwein, Alex and Hansel, Mischa (eds.) Rethinking the Responsibility to Protect.

                                           Cham: Springer Nature.


2022                              Populism and Foreign Policy (with Dirk Lehmkuhl), in Manucci, Luca (ed.) The Populism Interviews:

                                           A Dialogue with Leading Experts. London: Routledge.

2021                              Populist neo-imperialism: a new take on populist foreign policy (with Dirk Lehmkuhl),

                                           in Oswald, Michael (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Populism. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

2020                              South Sudan, in Merskin, Debra L. (ed.) The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society.

                                           London: Sage.


                                          Wer schützt wen? Responsibility to Protect im Südsudan, in: Reichwein, Alex and Hansel, Mischa (eds.)                                             Die Internationale Schutzverantwortung: etabliert, herausgefordert, gescheitert?                                                                                    Berlin: LIT.


2019                                  Land matters in South Sudan, in: Otto, Opira; Isinika, Aida & Musahara, Herman (eds.)

                                           Land Tenure Dynamics in East Africa: Changing Practices and Rights to Land.

                                           Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute.


2017                                  The snake bites its tail: Securitization instead of development, in: Bonacker, Thorsten; Distler, Werner                                                and Ketzmerick, Maria (eds.) Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention. Nomos: Baden-Baden.

2016                                  Speaking Truth to Power? Public diplomacy and the soft power of Western media in Africa, in: 

                                           Peltekoğlu, Filiz B. (ed.) İletişimin Gücü: Kurumsaldan Küresele Halkla İlişkiler [The Power of                                                                Communication: From Corporate to International Public Relations]. Istanbul: Beta. 


2014                                  South Sudan: An Outlier in Postcolonial African Nation-Building?, in:

                                           Empires and Nations from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century: Vol. 2.

                                           Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


2005                                  Die Europäische und die Indische Union -

                                           Ein langer Weg zur strategischen  Partnerschaft (with Heinrich Kreft), in: 

                                           INDIEN 2005 Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde.